Breastfeeding Handouts
Milestones Handout #1 Days 2-14
Milestones Handout #2 Weeks 2-12
Milestones Handout #3 Months 3-7
Milestones Handout #4 Months 7-12
Milestones Handout #5 Years 1-2
Baby’s First Year Foods Handout
Milestones Handout #6 1 page Birth to 2
Fall In Love With Nursing Handout
Baby’s Safety 0-4 Months Handout
Baby’s Safety 4-8 Months Handout
Baby’s Safety 8-12 Months Handout
Safely Putting Baby To Sleep Handout
Feeding Problems and Solutions Handout
Strategies for Success Handout
Breastfeeding is Far Superior To Artifical Formula Handout
Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
Australian Breastfeeding Association Handouts
San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition Articles
Bilingual(English/Spanish) Breastfeeding Handouts